ONC Certification Information

Certification details for McKesson’s ONC Certified Health IT products.

ONC Certified Products

Costs Information

iKnowMedâ„  Generation 2

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Product Version: iKnowMed Generation 2 version 3.0

Vendor Name: McKesson Specialty Health Technology Products, LLC (Ontada)

Date Certified: May 8, 2018

Drummond Group Inc. Certification ID Number:

iKnowMed Generation 2 Modules Tested and Certified: 170.315 (a)(1-5, 9, 12, 14); (b)(1-3, 10); (c)(1-3); (d)(1-9, 12-13); (e)(1, 3); (f)(1-2); (g)(2-7, 9-10)

iKnowMed Generation 2 Clinical Quality Measures tested and certified: CMS68v6;

Additional software relied upon to certify: NewCropRx, Surescripts Clinical Direct Messaging, Dynamic Health IT CQM solution

Costs:  iKnowMed Generation 2 EHR and Ontada Health patient portal (the “Module Services”) require a monthly subscription fee, per user, which covers access and use of the Module Services together with maintenance and support and upgrades to the Module Services. There is a one-time professional services fee to implement, set-up and train users on the Module Services. There are also one-time professional services fees to set-up and configure interfaces, and annual maintenance and support fee(s) (per interface). The customer does have to sign a contract for its subscription to the Module Services and for these professional services. Providers must be registered and use Surescripts (a participant in the DirectTrust™ network) as the Health Information Services provider and to maintain electronic prescribing and direct messaging capabilities. Monthly fees for those services are bundled with customer’s monthly subscription fee. Direct exchange messaging is not available outside of this network.
